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2 plots of land at the largest lake in Poland - Lake Spirding

The two plots of land, located next to each other (can also be purchased separately), are 2.5 kilometers away from the largest lake in Poland - Lake Spirding - (114m2), which belongs to the Masurian Lake District and is a natural paradise secret tip for ...

Property number: PPL0212
Rooms: 0
Living space: ,00m²
Property size: 4.300,00m²
Location - region : Rybnik(PL) Poland

price: 29.800,00 € ~ 25.551,00 £ ~ 32.965,00 $
Salesprice plus 2.990,00 Euro agency fee (incl. VAT) for the buyer.

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... explorers. The popular vacation region is surrounded by a lot of nature and offers not only lake sportsmen (canoe, SUP) the perfect recreation, but also yacht lovers the perfect vacation. The two plots are ready for building. Due to a new law in Poland, building up to 65 meters is allowed without a special permit. Many neighboring property owners also have a mobile home on their land. Digging a water source is done by many companies for small money (about 1000 EURO). Likewise, the permit for electricity is not a complicated process, more information will be provided by us. It should be added that an asphalt road (newly built), connects the properties. Location : on the Spirding Lake, Poland 2 plots of land at the largest lake in Poland - Lake Spirdingmore... 12220 Ruciane-Nida, on the largest lake in Poland the Spirdingsee

PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
PL property in Rybnik(PL) - wood, farm land, investment, developer
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