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An exclusive private house in Odessa Ukraine

Exclusive private house according to the artistic design of the author, with all furniture, all appliances, original paintings in frames and skins of wild animals (by appointment), with frescoes, stucco molding, murals, doors, ceiling and so on - hand-made, ...

Objektnummer: PUA0025
Zimmer: 11
Wohnfläche: 300,00m²
Grundstück: 400,00m²
Lage - Region/Kreis : Gesamtgebiet(UA) Ukraine

Preis: 799.000,00 € ~ 685.063,00 £ ~ 883.854,00 $
Verkaufspreis zzgl. 3.57% Maklerprovision (incl. MwSt.) für den Käufer.

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... the plot area can be on to be expanded up to 30 hectares (by buying 2 nearby lots), in a closed cooperative with remote access to open the gate in Odesa, Ukraine. Superb location.The house was built to a very high standard, built for yourself. The house is fully furnished and equipped with all necessary appliances. The house has 2 floors and 1 basement - a bunker with a home cinema, a bar and a seating area. There is also a large heated greenhouse with exotic plants, murals and a huge aviary for tropical birds. At the entrance to the house there is also a separate winter garden with decorative stucco molding, original design and painting on the ceiling. In the central part of the house there is a large monolithic spiral staircase, covered with wood, with exclusive forged handrails, decorative plaster is almost everywhere on the walls, all walls are washable everywhere, above the top floor just above the stairs there is a large one Dome, hand-painted by artists, also in a large room between the first and second floors on the wall there is an author´s fresco with stucco created by talented artists. The whole house is decorated in this style of details and art. In the lobby on the floor there is a beautiful rose window with tiled mosaics, a Greek marble fireplace (for heating two floors), wrought ironwork and picture windows. Windows and doors are made of wood, pressed Eurobar, triple glazing. The staircase to the basement is decorated with decorative plaster with stucco molding on the walls, forged lattices on the windows, the staircase is monolithic and covered with wood. The house also has an office, a spacious kitchen, three bedrooms, two dressing rooms, 3 bathrooms, a large pantry, an oven. Two storage tanks with water for 2 tons, a whole house water treatment system, ionization and water filtration, drinking water treatment. Emergency power supply system with 30 batteries at 350 amperes each. Additional generator dual-circuit boiler. Each room is equipped with Invector winter-summer air conditioners that can be heated in winter. underfloor heating. On the street there is a large covered space for 3 cars, a covered gazebo with fresco, moldings, a beautiful stove with granite facing, barbecue, appliances, furniture. There is also a lovely mini chicken coop for exotic chicken breeds and storage areas for garden tools. The street is completely fenced on both sides. Strangers don´t walk and don´t drive. The street is tiled. The garden has a wide variety of plant species. A rich collection, from conifers to citrus, many flowers and several fruit trees. The fence is raised to 5 meters and reinforced with the Egoza system and braided with decorative grapes for an aesthetically beautiful appearance. Cameras, alarm system, intercom system available. Remote access to open the gate when entering the street. Remote access to gate opening and video surveillance. There is also a large attic for storage. Balcony with original forged railing. It is possible to extend the property up to 30 hectares by purchasing three neighboring plots. An exclusive private house in Odessa Ukrainemehr...

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Immobilien  - Gesamtgebiet(UA) - Haus kaufen
Immobilien  - Gesamtgebiet(UA) - Haus kaufen

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