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1 bedroom apartment - Bukarest /Rumänien

1 bedroom apartment for sale by owner in the outskirts of Bucharest (200m from delimitation of Bucharest) in a well developed area with plenty of shops, supermarkets (Lidl, Mega Image, Carrefour, Kaufland, etc.), groceries , restaurants, coffee shops, and ...

Objektnummer: PRO0114
Zimmer: 2
Wohnfläche: 48,00m²
Grundstück: 48,00m²
Lage - Region/Kreis : Bukarest (Stadt)(RO) Rumänien

Preis: 56.525,00 € ~ 48.465,00 £ ~ 62.528,00 $
Verkaufspreis zzgl. 3.570,00 Euro Maklerprovision (incl. MwSt.) für den Käufer.

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... even a big Mall nearby. Bus stop 50m from location. Direct lines to Central Train Station ,University Square (historical centre of Bucharest), Romana Square, Unirii Square. 30-45m drive by bus Close to Subway Station which is easy accessible by bus ( 3rd stop from location). The neighbourhood also offers private kindergarten, dental clinic, hospital,pharmacies, massage parlour, pool area, gym, cosmetic saloon, etc. It's a perfect place to live in or considering as a vacation destination. High speed internet available in all areas and in the apartment as well. The flat is fully renovated , fully furnished and equipped with fridge, cooker top, oven, air vent,etc. 2 dressings, 1 of 4m in the hallway and 1 in bedroom. 2 extensible sofas (1 natural leather and 1 velvet ) in the living room and 1 king size bed (160cm) in bedroom. 2 smart TV's ( 1 Horizon w/Google assistant and 1 LG w/Apple assistant) .New bathtub. Very low cost of electricity due to economic Ikea lights. Private individual electric central heating using gas. All electricity/gas bills are individually priced based on your consumption. Water consumption is also paid individually and is included in monthly tax. The apartment is classified as Class A energy level as is the entire complex. Location is on top floor/ loft (8's floor) and there is an attic of about 3m height above the apartment. Roof is in perfect condition. Double glazed Velux windows with 3 opening positions (air flow only, rain protection and full opening). The height of ceiling is 2,4 meters. The building is new built in 2018,has 2 elevators and easy access for disabled (there is platform for wheelchairs). It is very quiet as a loft. Ground floor of the building you have pharmacy, supermarket, barbershop, Italian pizza restaurant. Monthly cost if lived in (property tax + energy+ internet) is around 50-60 euro, if empty cost 20-30 euro. There is one annual property tax of 25euro paid at the community council in the begging of the year, usually until 1st of March.
1 bedroom apartmentmehr...

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