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Self containing object to start touristic business

Eco-Lodge, Spa and Alternative Healing Clinic. This exotic tropical vegetation is one of the last existing paradise. Situated in Avatar land overlooking the Amazonian Rainforest, it can literally be considered the edge of the known civilization ,this rich ...

Objektnummer: PPE0003
Zimmer: 8
Wohnfläche: 300,00m²
Grundstück: 1.800,00m²
Lage - Region/Kreis : Loreto(PE) Peru

Preis: 160.000,00 € ~ 137.184,00 £ ~ 176.992,00 $
Verkaufspreis zzgl. 3.57% Maklerprovision (incl. MwSt.) für den Käufer.

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... bio diverse region provides a very special way for an ultimate jungle experience. Built in traditional rustic authentic Amazonian style with comfortable rooms with full view of tropical botanical garden but just outsides the walls resides the raw force of the Magnificent and Magical Amazonian jungle. It consists of : 6 single rooms , 2 big double rooms, 1 Cabin (triple room it, also features a living room, and terrace), with 4 bathrooms, kitchen and dining area, with 2 large terraces for social area, and is equipped with all the comforts and necessities, including electricity and running water. The property for sell is in excellent location, direct on the only All-weather-road in Iquitos, and only 14 km from International airport with international connections, therefore with the best reselling possibilities if ever needed, and only 4 km distance from the Alpahuayo Mishana National Reserve and 5 km from the exotic Questacocha Lake , easily to be reached by car. right now it is a lucrative tourist destination (it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985, and now is one of The New 7 Wonders of the World), with the best National + International air connection. The property with a houses on it could cater for 15 people with its many rooms + leisure space , and has uncountable potentials of use, as a hostel, or for a Spiritual retreat , or as we were using it as an Alternative Medicine clinic, and much more. It has all papers in order and all taxes paid. additionally Our adjoining jungle land, is perfectly suitable for Shamanic Ayahuasca ceremonies, Permaculture, jungle tracking , hiking, Bird , Butterfly , and other wildlife watching, Medicinal plant discovery walks, bathing under the Siren waterfall, detoxifying with Medicinal Earth/ Mud Baths or, for the spirituality here is traditionally provided an unforgettable experiences with Amazonian famous Spiritual flowering bathing ceremonies for nurturing the Body, Soul and Mind. This exotic tropical vegetation is one of the last existing paradise for pleasure and healing and perfectly suitable for Spiritual seekers, Eco-tourism, Adventures or for Regenerative Health retreats. Self containing object to start touristic businessmehr...

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Immobilien  - Loreto(PE) - Anlageobjekte, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Loreto(PE) - Anlageobjekte, Investoren Bauträger

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