Lot of properties for sale in Avellino

3,500 square meters in a modern building from the early 1970s near the historic center of Avellino, chief town of the green Irpinia, Italy. The lot include commercial premises, residential aparments and offices in a nine-storey building. Three large offices, ...
Objektnummer: | PI0437 |
Zimmer: | 1 |
Wohnfläche: | 2.151,00m² |
Grundstück: | 2.360,00m² |
Lage - Region/Kreis : | Avellino(I) Italien |
Preis: | 2.765.000,00 € | ~ 2.370.711,00 £ | ~ 3.058.643,00 $ |
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... just released by a government organization, were derived by joining 13 large apartments forming the entire first floor and fractions of the second and fourth floors, for about 2,360 square meters. They can be readily returned back to the original units, each with an average size of about 170 square meters. Three commercial premises on the ground floor and four houses on the top floors are currently leased. All properties are sold in the state of use in which they are, which may need for revisions to fixtures and systems and require painting interventions. They are offered as a single lot at a price of ? 790,00 per square meter. Lot of properties for sale in Avellinomehr...
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