A flat good furnished and could be sold in this condition

I sell a flat on a second floor, position North to south. 2 rooms, bathroom with window and kitchen with a dinninig space balcony iin front of kichen view on whole kvarner, park place includiing and woodshed on a -1 floor 3 inverters. the house was ...
Objektnummer: | PHR0176 |
Zimmer: | 2 |
Wohnfläche: | 52,00m² |
Grundstück: | 52,00m² |
Lage - Region/Kreis : | Rijeka(HR) Kroatien |
Preis: | 120.000,00 € | ~ 102.888,00 £ | ~ 132.744,00 $ |
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... bilt 2000 and has new termic isolation from 2021.+ inside extra isolation of this flat when the house was built. 25 km fro airport krk 700 m from beeches and 700 m from plodine tha flat was bought from the first owener 2019 in excellent condition. and noone live there, only personal things. tha flat is good furnished and could be sold in this condition A flat good furnished and could be sold in this conditionmehr... 51000 Rijeka, Kostrena Sodici, Kroatien
... hier kostenlos inserieren ...