Commercial building with land

Close to the Hungarian-Serbian-Romanian triple border, in a frequented location, a 7,000 m2 industrial property (classified as an economic zone) with 600 m2 of newly renovated, newly insulated building is fully for sale. From an individual. With solar system. ...
Objektnummer: | PH0435 |
Zimmer: | k.A. |
Wohnfläche: | 600,00m² |
Grundstück: | 6.940,00m² |
Lage - Region/Kreis : | Csongrád-Csanád(H) Ungarn |
Preis: | 1.400.000,00 € | ~ 1.200.360,00 £ | ~ 1.548.680,00 $ |
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... There is still a business in the area, the transfer of which may be the subject of a bargain. For serious inquiries only, with proof of collateral or creditworthiness. Commercial building with landmehr...
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