12 acres of a very beautiful tea land

12 acres of Tea cultivation land, this land is located at the central part of Srilanka, surrounded with beautiful atmosphere, trees, universities, hills, water falls and nature the whole land can be used for cultivation or tourist attraction place, you have ...
Objektnummer: | PCL0029 |
Zimmer: | k.A. |
Wohnfläche: | k.A. |
Grundstück: | 48.562,00m² |
Lage - Region/Kreis : | Sri Lanka(CL) Sri Lanka (Ceylon) |
Preis: | 9.000.000,00 € | ~ 7.716.600,00 £ | ~ 9.955.800,00 $ |
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... water, and electricity avail;able this land can either be used to build up a resort or hotel, surrounding is greenish and colorful 12 acres of a very beautiful tea landmehr...
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