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Hotel in Sunny Beach-Bulgaria

Cozy three-star hotel 50 meters from the beach in the northern part of the resort Sunny Beach in Bulgaria. The hotel was built in 2003 and has established positions in the tourism sector and constant good employment in many markets. The hotel is a two-time ...

Objektnummer: PBG0207
Zimmer: 0
Wohnfläche: 1.670,00m²
Grundstück: 840,00m²
Lage - Region/Kreis : Burgas(BG) Bulgarien

Preis: 1.600.000,00 € ~ 1.371.840,00 £ ~ 1.769.920,00 $
Verkaufspreis zzgl. 3.57% Maklerprovision (incl. MwSt.) für den Käufer.

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... winner of the Traveler´s Choice award of Trip Advisor for 2014 and 2015. The hotel is built on its own plot of 840 sq.m. The total built-up area of ​​the hotel is 1670 sq.m. The distribution in the hotel is: - 4 staff rooms - 12 beds; - 37 double rooms, each with at least one extra bed (sofa bed); - 2 apartments - with two extra beds and a kitchenette; - 2 studios - with two extra beds and a kitchenette. Each apartment offers full or partial sea views. The rooms are equipped with: 21 -TVs, central air conditioning / heating, telephones (central), minibars, bathrooms with shower and hairdryers, balconies, beds 100/200 cm or bedrooms 200/200 cm, sofa beds. The building has: - Hydraulic elevator to the 5th floor; - Children´s corner; - Billiard table; - Restaurant imposed in the area with very good seasonal attendance. Outdoors (60 seats) and indoors (30 seats). With full equipment (refrigerators, freezers, grills, deep fryers, pizza oven, ice makers, showcases); - Indoor and outdoor bar. Fully equipped kitchen and bars. Canopy of wood, polycarbonate and fabric outdoors; - Pool heated by solar panels (75m2 / 100m3) with overflows, 2 pcs. filters and compensation tank; - Wi Fi equipment; - 40 pcs. solar panels, providing fully hot water to the hotel - 5 tons of water tanks, reheated with electricity if necessary; - Laundry (washing machines, dryers, calenders). Today´s offer includes a ready, working and established on the market business on the first line in Sunny Beach, with good overall documentation for the building, hotel and restaurant. Excellent offer for investment in the largest seaside resort in Bulgaria.
Hotel in Sunny Beach-Bulgariamehr...

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Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Gastronomie, Hotels, Camping

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