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Building land in Bulgaria-Sozopol


Dear ladies and gentlemen, I present to your attention an undeveloped property with an area of ​​86 400 sq.m, located on the territory of Burgas region, Sozopol. According to the general development plan of Sozopol the property is designated ...

Objektnummer: PBG0185
Zimmer: 0
Wohnfläche: 87.000,00m²
Grundstück: 87.000,00m²
Lage - Region/Kreis : Burgas(BG) Bulgarien

Preis: 7.200.000,00 € ~ 6.173.280,00 £ ~ 7.964.640,00 $
Verkaufspreis zzgl. 1,19% Maklerprovision (incl. MwSt.) für den Käufer.

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... for construction of -Recreation and resort buildings and ancillary activities-. The property is consolidated by five landed property representing forest territory. It is located on the first line of the sea. The town of Sozopol is one of the most ancient towns on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The historical and archeological heritage of the town of Sozopol, the unique coastline, the diverse vegetation, as well as the second most important sand dunes in Bulgaria turn the city and the surrounding holiday villages one of the most preferred destinations - 35 km. south ofthe regional center of Burgas, where the largest port in Bulgaria is located, and also international airport. The property has a panoramic view of the Burgas Black Sea Bay and the old town of Sozopol. The development zone of the property according to the Master Plan / General Development Plan / allows construction of buildings for -Recreation and resort and complementary activities-. Approximate total built-up area - 76,000 sq.m. The parameters of construction are: Parameters Description: Area 86 400 sq.m. Building density Zone -A- - 20% Zone -B- - 30% KINT (Coefficient of Building intensity) Zone A - 0.5 Zone B - 1 N (Kota Korniz) Zone -A- - 7.50 m. Zone -B- - 10.00 m Built infrastructure - asphalt road, sewerage, water supply and electricity. Building land in Bulgaria-Sozopolmehr...

... hier kostenlos inserieren ...
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger
Immobilien  - Burgas(BG) - Agrarland Wälder Jagden, Investoren Bauträger

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