South of France Aude 10 km from Carcassonne

House For Sales: South of France (Aude) 10 km from UNESCO world heritage site Cité de Carcassonne, with class 18 hold golf club 5km drive. One Hour from the Mediterranean, one hour from Pyrenees sky stations, Two hours' drive to Barcelona City ...
Objektnummer: | PALLE0039 |
Zimmer: | 4 |
Wohnfläche: | 3.000,00m² |
Grundstück: | 3.000,00m² |
Lage - Region/Kreis : | Aude(F) Frankreich |
Preis: | 400.000,00 € | ~ 342.960,00 £ | ~ 442.480,00 $ |
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... Center. Property of 3500 square meters with pool 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, large living room, cellars, and swimming pool. Architect house built in the 70s, house and fittings totally updated. May be sold as property or as a property development to build a private residency composed of 4 large villas. Property is available immediately. South of France Aude 10 km from Carcassonnemehr...
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