Farm with 1,3 hectares vineyard

Just 6 km away from the village of Pitigliano, we sell farm with 34 hectares of land including 1.3 hectares vineyard, 14 forest and 800 olive trees, farmhouse of about 240 square meters on two levels and several outbuildings for a total surface of about 650 ...
Objektnummer: | N60550245 |
Zimmer: | 0 |
Wohnfläche: | 240,00m² |
Grundstück: | 35,00ha |
Lage - Region/Kreis : | Grosseto(I) Italien |
Preis: | 800.000,00 € | ~ 685.920,00 £ | ~ 884.960,00 $ |
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... m. The land, the olive grove and the vineyard are well kept, the farmhouse is to be completely restored except for structural works. Complete this property a cellar dug in the tuff and various agricultural equipment, a tracked tractor and a wheeled one (not to be sold separately from the property). I borghi più belli d'Italia
Farm with 1,3 hectares vineyardmehr...