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The neogothic Palace near Wroclaw

The neogothic Palace is the main tourist attraction of the village. It is registered as a historical monument.
The elevation of the Palace is decorated with many turrets, ornamental balconies and diversified windows. All these details make the Palace ...

Objektnummer: N4660012
Zimmer: 18
Wohnfläche: 1.576,00m²
Grundstück: 64.700,00m²
Lage - Region/Kreis : Wroclaw(PL) Polen

Preis: 1.290.000,00 € ~ 1.106.046,00 £ ~ 1.426.998,00 $
Verkaufspreis zzgl. 3.57% Maklerprovision (incl. MwSt.) für den Käufer.

... picturesque and fabulous. The Palace is a standalone building. It has got two floors, basement, attic and loft.
The building is a compact block with a complex and irregular shape.
It is covered by steep roof.
The whole residency is fully renovated and redecorated. The renovation works were carried out so that the old style of the house survived.
On the south side of the Palace, there is a tower covered with conical roof;on the south-east corner there is another one, square and covered with high four-windfall roof.
On the annexes and on the north side (garden side) there are terraces.
In the Palace, there are original windows from the XIX century.
All original floors were restored to be in the original condition (oak parquet). In the main hall, there are elegant stairs. Under the stairs, there is an entrance to the basement.
The Palace is surrounded by the enormous beautiful park. The pathway round the Palace is paved. The whole area is sown with grass. There are old trees but also new ornamental bushes.
The approach road to the building is in the shape of ellipse (from the entrance gate to the main doors). The neogothic Palace near Wroclawmehr...

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